Virginia has an important DUI law: anyone who is convicted of even one DUI will be required to have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle for 6 months, at their own expense.
Drunk driving is 100 percent preventable, but stopping it requires communities coming together to say enough is enough. You can help MADD VA make your community a healthier and safer place by joining a growing number of people across the nation working to prevent drunk driving.
You can make an impact against drunk driving in our community:
Learn more about the DUI law and how the ignition interlock device works.
Tell your friends about this DUI law by clicking one of the social media links at the bottom of this page.
Donate to MADD VA and support our local initiatives.
Sign up for a Walk Like MADD event to raise both awareness and funds to eliminate drunk driving.
Volunteer your time with MADD VA.
Take action to support local and national legislation aimed at eliminating drunk and drugged driving.
Let your friends and family know that you'll be their designated driver.
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